Rocky is a wonderful place to look for wildlife, and many park roads are open in winter. Bring your field guides and binoculars, and don't forget your camera. As with any wild animals,
you never know when or where you'll see them, and consider yourself fortunate to see what you can. Winter is an especially good time to look for Elk, Mule deer, Moose, and other large mammals. Although we've seen moose just a few yards from our cabin,
the best place to look for moose is along the Colorado River on the park's west side. Elk and Mule deer are most active at dusk and dawn, and are usually seen in meadow areas. Look for Bighorn sheep along the Highway 34/Fall River corridor on the park's east
side. Coyotes may be seen any time of day. Members of the Jay family, including Steller's jays, with their striking blue bodies and black, crested heads, Gray jays, Clark's nutcrackers, and the iridescent, long-tailed Black-billed magpies are commonly seen
at our cabin.